Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club Thanks Sporting Saint and Skinner's dog food for sponsoring our Novice Field Trial.

Tess Lawrence & Willowyck Charles who was also presented with:
- The Rauceby Cup – Kindly presented by A. C. Ireland Esq., awarded to the Winner of the Novice Stake
- The Drumcorrie Cup presented by Miss de Beaumont awarded to the Winner of the Novice Stake
Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club
Novice Field Trial
Stubton Shoot
26th October 2024
Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club
held their 16 dog AV Retriever Novice Field Trial at Stubton Shoot by kind permission of the Kennel Club,
Sir James Dyson and Malcom Partridge, on 26th October 2024.
Our thanks go to our team of Guns who were able to take full advantage of the well presented high birds, providing interesting and variable retrieves. We sincerely appreciate your support to enable our trials to go ahead.
The guns also showed great interest in the running of a Trial and it was lovely helping them understand what was happening.
Also, our sincere thanks to the wonderful helpers :
Liz Robinson,
Charlie Knight,
Margaret Jewitt and
Fred Finch
(and Jane Lidster when she was free)
but also to
Liz Robinson,
Jacky Simpson,
Philly Pinn,
Deborah Green and
Stewart North
who gave tips and advice behind the scene.
A big thank you to our picker-up Tina Bateman who missed out on a chance of a run but, nonetheless, turned up to help.
Thanks also to our sponsors Skinner's and Sporting Saint for their continued generous support.
We can't go reporting on the trial without mentioning the steward of the beat, Jonathan Roberts who greeted us with a cheerful mood, was very positive throughout and did an impressive display of running !
Thanks to our judges, Richard Beckerleg, Stewart North, Mark Wilson and Steve Probert for giving up their time to allow others to run their dogs. A good day of trialling on interesting and varied grounds, along with strong birds contributed to a plentiful supply of game giving the opportunity for dogs and handlers to show off their abilities.
It was good to see that the judges were prompt to send on runners and showed respect to game.
Tess Lawrence & Willowyck Charles who was also presented with:
- The Rauceby Cup – Kindly presented by A. C. Ireland Esq., awarded to the Winner of the Novice Stake
- The Drumcorrie Cup presented by Miss de Beaumont awarded to the Winner of the Novice Stake
2nd PLACE:
Jennie Knight & Holmside Goose at Sunshimmer
3rd PLACE:
Kevin Minett & Syltoni Benjamin at Goosetree
C.O.M. :
Lynda Carr & Glenfia Skipper
C.O.M. :
Lee Hayman & Humberflair Field Marshal of Tildaross who was also presented with :
- The Shooting Gazette Trophy - Kindly presented by Mr M. Barnes editor of the “Shooting Gazette” awarded to the Guns’
Choice after achieving an exciting retrieve on a runner.
C.O.M. :
Christopher Bennett & Brooke Sunrise of Windriver
C.O.M. :
Paul Watson & Kentwone Wisteria Whisper
I would like to thank the competitors who contributed to a lovely day for all.