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Results and Critiques

Bitches' Critique
Thank you for the invitation to judge bitches at this prestigious club’s championship show. Temperaments, as expected, were excellent. Thanks to the six excellent stewards, they did a marvellous job keeping the whole day flowing freely, as there was the open show to consider also.
1. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Tickled Pink. Lovely old lady enjoying her dayout, in excellent condition, pleasing head of correct proportions, good eye shape and colour, good front assembly following into well placed shoulders, short coupled, nice turn of stifle, good second thigh, good coat and undercoat. Sound right through.
2. Wood’s Lougin Secret Spy At Sundyke. Another lovely older lady, excellent conformation, strong neck into well placed shoulders, level topline and tailset, strong rear end moved soundly.
3. Parr’s Stoneavon Minnie The Moocher.
1. Flockton’s Dysonleigh Valentina. Nicely grown, lovely shape to her, pretty head, good pigmentation, correct eye colour and shape, ear set correct, moved well when settled.
2. Rowe’s Rochvale Fairy Tale. Another nicely grown puppy, pleasing head good length to her neck,well palced shoulders, ample bone, well let down hocks, moved freely, very sound. 1 & 2 will change places many times.
3. Mclellans’ Wynfaul Resolution For Saranden.
1. Hutchinson’s Glosmere One Love. Pretty bitch, good front good length to her neck, well made rear end, strong rear quarters, good coat and undercoat, hope she grows on.
2. Charlton’s Foxrush Tickled Pink. Well grown, beautiful shaped head, good eye colour and shape, nice layback of shoulder, good harsh coat, sound but erratic.
3. Braddon’s Trendlewood Shape Of You.
1. Mclellans’ Saranden The River. Good shape all round, pleasing head good front, level topline good bone and feet moved well.
2. Dodd’s Carrigame Precious Jewel. Well balanced throughout, pleasing head, ample bone, rounded compact feet, harsh coat good undercoat, moved well.
3. Percival’s Wynfaul Dancing Flame.
1. Campbell’S Binnaig Brene. Good shape to both head and body, pretty balanced head, nice eye shape and colour, strong through the neck, shoulders well placed, deep forechest, barrelled ribs, strong hind quarters, thick coat and tail moved very well.
2. McCrory’s Baileydale Bubbles. Larger frame than no. 1, clean lines all through, head pleasing, ample bone, left her coat at home, moved very well.
3. Darcy’s Lancastria Miss Aurora.
1. Ellis & Matullas’ Dolwen Annastasia. Clean lines throughout, pretty head, good length to neck into well placed shoulders, ample bone neat feet, needs her coat to complete the picture, moved soundly.
2. Darcy’s Lancastria Miss Aurora. Nice all round shape with good bone and feet, not happy to be here today.
1. Terry’s Ellukine So It Begins. Well grown and in excellent condition, balanced throughout, good rear end with well-muscled hind quarters, harsh coat and undercoat, moved soundly.
2. Bysouth’s Luckswarren Secret Phoenix. Much finer in build than 1st balanced head, level topline, nice rounded feet, harsh coat, &undercoat, in good condition.
3. Bishop’s Northernjoy Rambling Rose.
1. Charlton’S Foxrush Tickled Pink. (Second in Puppy Bitch).
2. Mcclellans’ Wynfaul Happy New Year For Saranden. Nice all round
picture, good bone nice rounded feet, pasterns have a lovely angle to
them, level topline, moved well.
3. Smith’s Rudidale Lucky Bug.
1. Ellis & Matullas’ Dolwen Annastasia. Pretty head nice colour and shape
to eye, well balanced allround, good coat and undercoat, level topline and tailset, ample bone neat feet moved soundly.
2. Edward’s Kimberjack Jackpot. Pleasing head, strong neck, level topline, in good condition, ample bone moved soundly.
GRADUATE BITCH (10-2) This was a very good class.
1. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Hazelberry. Beautiful balanced head, nice shape to eyes, good earset, good length of neck, well placed shoulders, level topline, nicely angulated rear quarters with short hocks, in very good condition, moved soundly with drive.
2. Young’s Suttonpark Penny Farthing. Lovely shape all round, pretty head, good length to neck, level topline and tailset, slightly longer in coupling, in excellent condition moves well.
3. Neachels’ Suttonpark Consuela.
1. Flockton’s Dysonleigh Miss Muffet. From Minor Puppy through to Veteran this kennel is of a type credit due to the breeder. Well balanced head, good length to neck into good layback of shoulder, level topline and tailset good angles front and back, well-muscled, nice second thigh and short hocks moved very well.
2. Woodburn’s Centenalee Spring Time. Balanced head very pretty, good angles front and back, with excellent coat and undercoat, ample bome, neat feet moved soundly.
3. Collin’s Carromer Worth A Glance At Kaspair.
1. Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time. An honest to goodness labrador with a pretty balanced head, soft expression that melts you, good neck into well placed shoulders, level topline, good front and rear quarters, ample bone stands on neat feet, well let down hocks give excellent drive and precise footfall. RCC.
2. Reynolds Carromer Shimmering In Pink JW. Pale yellow that commands attention, she does not disappoint, good angles all round, strong neck into her shoulders, level topline and tailset, ample bone into well rounded feet moved soundly.
3. Dysonleigh Pretty In Pink.
1. Hopkinson’S Rocheby String Of Pearls. This bitch is real class, she is all one piece, from her balanced head to the tip of her tail, her expression melts you, she has a beautiful outline, her front assembly is wonderful her neck down through her correct lay of shoulder, upper arm, deep chest, rounded bone, spring in her pasterns standing on tight feet, her rear end is well muscled, nice short hocks, good second thigh, this enabled her to flow around the ring, keeping her topline level, wish she was mine! CC & BIS (referee’s decision).
2. Rawlinsons’ Halshimoor Pitch Perfect With Shanorrell. Pleasing balanced head, strong neck, level topline and tailset, deep in the chest, she is well muscled with ample bone, neat feet, moved well.
3. Woodburn’S Centenalee Meadow Mint.
1. Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time. Pale yellow, another one you cannot overlook, clean outline, balanced head with nice expression, strong neck into correct shoulders, deep through the forechest, ample bone, neat feet, moved with drive.
2. O`Neill’S Sh Ch Ramsayville Tali JW. Her head is balanced, with lovely expression, good neckline through to an excellent front, ample bone, neat feet, she is in very good condition, with good coat and undercoat.
3. Key’s Kedella Kafenoir.
Judge: Chris Bailiss.
Dogs' Critique
1. McCrory’s Sh.Ch. Millroseglen Make My Day with Meadowvillabs. 7 years yellow,won by virtue of his front construction. Excellent long sloping shoulders, good legs feet and pasterns, strong level top line with barrel ribs, short loin set into powerful well constructed hindquarters with good tail-set. He has a strong masculine head that is pleasing and kindly. Well shown at one with his handler he covered the ground with ease on the move. An excellent example of the breed.
2. Jenner’s Rossacre Trail Blazer at Lyjansen. Pleasing black that carries his 10 years with ease. Well presented in good fit condition but not the ribs and shoulder placement of the winner.
1. Percival’s Wynfaul The Wizard JW. Delightful black with a beautiful masculine head and gorgeous melting expression in the eyes that really relates to you. This is so lacking in the dogs of today and is one of the true trademarks of this breed. It was this feature more than anything that was the deciding factor in the close decisions in many of the classes. Exemplary neck and shoulders good legs pasterns and feet, barrel ribs, strong top line set into good workmanlike hindquarters all make for a strong functional overall package. Nice dog.
2. Jenner’s Rossacre Trail Blazer at Lyjansen. (2nd in Veteran)
1. Hopkinson’s Centenalee Sail Away to Rochby. Well grown 7 month yellow whose good overall balance won him the class. Nice kind masculine head but a little full in the eye. He has very good neck and shoulders, bone and well formed tight feet, a level top line, good tail set and strongly made hindquarters, all this makes for a free true mover. This is an eye-catching youngster that should have an exciting future ahead of him.
2. Lewis’ Crammondkirk Buckley. 7 month black that is very well presented but very raw as yet. He scores heavily over the others in the class with his neck and long sloping shoulders reflected in the clean, free, strong front movement. A charming young dog but rather too round in eye.
3. Smith’s Flyenpyg Pie Eyed.
1. Key’s Keydella Kafenoir. 9 month black really playing up giving his handler a hard time and making judging him difficult. However, he took my eye having all the things I love in a young male show Labrador. Fully grown he has superb overall balance presenting a clean-lined outline that is balanced standing and on the move. On closer examination he has the head, neck, barrel ribs, bone, long supple muscle development and power, shoulder placement and overall balance I look for and had style and that extra eye-catching element that held my attention. He moves with ease covering the ground effortlessly. All topped off with a beautiful head and kind eye. This dog needs time and badly needs schooling if he is to achieve his potential at the top of the leader board but I feel he has it there. I loved him.
2. Hutchinson’s Glosmere Ragamuffin. Another lovely young black dog with all the credentials to take him to the top. Pretty well mature already he is thicker set and heavier in type than the winner. Well shown in good fit condition he moves freely also covering the ground with ease. He is a very different type to the winner presenting me with a tough decision but in the end it came down to my preference for his rival’s head and expression. Who knows on another day it could have been different. A super dog.
3. Smith’s Flyenpyg Pie Eyed.
1. McLellan’s Saranden Shadeauxplay. 12 month black, an easy winner here.
I appreciated his overall balanced profile. He won the class on his strong neck, long
sloping shoulders and clean uncluttered front movement that shows a good reach
going forward moving from the shoulders not just from the elbows. Nice head and
expression. He still has a lot of developing to do but it’s all there to come. A
pleasing type.
2. Smith’s Bruadarach Braenuth. 8 month chocolate giving such a lot away in
maturity and development to the other two in the class. He has a pleasing head
shape and scored on his long sloping shoulders and strong neck. His movement
although free with a good reach and drive reflects his immaturity being somewhat untidy still.
3. Grummitt’s Manorwell Danny Boy.
A really good class with closely contested placings making for difficult decisions. However very exciting to judge and confirms to me that the breed is in good hands with all these quality young stud dogs waiting in the wings. Very much a case of not enough first prize cards!
1. Woodley’s Alkamhurst Moment of Truth. 17 month black conforming to my interpretation of the standard in all respects as did all the placed dogs in this class. Good balanced head with a kind expression, strong workmanlike body with barrel ribs, good double coat that’s not too soft to the touch, well clothed tail carried well on the move, strong sound feet and pasterns well proportioned hindquarters and moves with a satisfying free and easy gait really covering the ground. A real “stallion” young dog.
2. Kent’s Trewinnard The Tailor. Same age yellow and such a gorgeous young dog too with a most delightful kind expression that speaks to you. Again, I could find nothing that did not appeal to me about him and I am confident that with added maturity he will feature often in the breed top honours list. Sadly, for me a decision had to be made on the day and today the black dog won out on the “stallion” look nothing more.
3. Johnson’s Cremino Calabrese. A yellow whose overall quality warrants a critique too. Typical of this small kennel that routinely bring out really excellent youngsters with all the breed credentials that only need time to fulfill their true potential, this boy took my eye too. He has that really clean-cut classic outline that cannot be fudged by grooming or cleaver handling tactics. Lacking the muscle bulk and luxuriant double coats of the two above him today I am confident these will come in time for him to join the hall of fame. And there’s no crime just in immaturity in my book. Loved him!
1. Reynold’s Sh. Ch. Carromer Chippendale. Wow what a dog! He’s stunning! It would be a crime if he wasn’t already a champion and was an easy class winner here today. Fully mature yellow of quality all through from a delightful kind masculine head through to his well-clothed otter tail. Very pleasing confident masculine bearing to this dog that excels in a clean strong top line and overall outline that he maintained on the move. Good barrel ribs, strong legs with workmanlike feet powerful hindquarters and an effortless uncluttered gait. What not to like? He was my out and out CC winner until it came to the open class. Nevertheless, I had to call him into mix when considering the Dog CC and he only lost out to the two older dogs on maturity that gave them the edge with a firmness of body running round the ring. Lovely dog.
2. Percival’s Wynfaul Windrush. What a nice name that goes well with a thoroughly nice specimen! This young black really only lost out on maturity and that’s not a fault. Beautiful masculine dog having the long sloping shoulders, strong workmanlike neck, powerful hindquarters, barrel ribs, double coat and sweet kind head and expression that empathises with his handler. Very nice dog well shown in good condition.
3. Gartland’s Knoydar Nixon.
1. Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin at Lynquest. Strong, masculine, well-boned. free-moving yellow shown in good condition. I’m not a fan of the full round eye that has become very much a trend these days getting away from the typical Labrador head and expression, but he has much to recommend him.
2. Hill’s Kimbajak Full Golden Monty of Waggador. Obviously not at ease with the show ring giving his handler a hard time. Quite a pleasant looking dog with good shoulders but some issues that concerned me.
1. Gartland’s Knoydar Nixon. Placed 3rd in Yearling. A well-boned heavier make of dog than the majority I placed today but this yellow appealed because of his no-nonsence, workmanlike good type, sweet, kindly, masculine head and overall soundness standing and on the move. Some would call him an ‘old fashioned Labrador. Surprised to find him still in Novice.
2. Lewis’ Crammondkirk Buckley. (2nd. MPD)
3. Moody’s Trendlewood Ebony And Ivory.
1. Perkins’ Carromer Tegulia by Keeninspires. Pleasing masculine dog shown in
good condition. Moves freely and with drive.
2. Gartland’s Pollham Picalo at Knoydar. Yellow excelling in bone and ribs.
Sound free mover a very nice type only loosing today on ring presence which
is understandable owing to recent severe Covid restrictions.
1. Young’s Potterspiney Silas JW. Sweet kindly yellow of good breed type. Nicely made all through scoring on head, eye shape and expression. Very successfully presented by his talented young handler who brings out his best attributes.
2. Perkins’ Keeninspires Houdini. Soundly made young black that moves well and stylishly.
3. Grummitt’s Suttonpark Phoenix at Manorwell.
1. Ayres and Jackson’s Hannabee To Hull ‘n Back with Musubi. Upstanding and stylish black that won this class with ease. His well-balanced body proportions were reflected in his workmanlike, free and supple movement that covered the ground well. My only issue with this dog was a "boot-button eye" spoiling that gentle Labrador head and expression.
2. Lesley’s Sleddarwood Sako Flyer over Steeleigh JW. Overall, a nice type darker yellow. Strongly made, workmanlike dog, eager, free and easy mover, well presented in good condition. A rather hard expression detracted from an otherwise pleasing headpiece.
3. Meredith’s Linjor Lucca.
1. Rawlinson’s Shanorrell Black Sabbath at Halshimoor. Beautiful, eye-catching yellow. Clear winner here. I liked this dog’s make and shape all through scoring with a firm strong top line and good overall body balance all topped with well proportioned head and sweet soft expression in the eyes.
2. Brown’s Ramsayville Revolver. Classic type black that with more experience will gain in confidence and ring presence. Beautiful head and expression showing his undoubted sweet disposition. His extra length in the loin lost him the top place nevertheless a super dog and one to watch.
3. Ellis and Matulla’s Dolwen Coleman JW.
LIMIT DOG (12-3)
1. McLellan’s Saranden Pensacola. Stylish, soundly made strong chocolate with
pleasing head and expression, He is excellent in all departments especially
movement covering the ground well. He didn’t have the depth of double coat
and tail of the second placed dog but his overall sportsmanlike type and build
just swung the class in his favour.
2. Dodd’s Carrigame Moonshine. This excellent black has such a lovely head
and expression and excels in coat and tail with well-proportioned body. He is
of a type that has sadly fallen out of fashion in recent years, more’s the pity.
I really liked this dog.
3. Meredith’s Tweedledum Off The Record.
OPEN DOG (5 -1)
1. Grummitt and Dempsey’s Irish Sh.Ch. Dromtacker Made To Order. Two very good dogs headed this class. The yellow winning marginally by virtue of his well-moulded head and sweet expression. I was looking for masculinity but with a kindliness and empathy in the eyes that can be difficult to see if the eyes are too dark. Classic yellow type whose workmanlike good looks are timeless. A sound moving dog that commands attention as he goes round the ring with little to find fault with. A gorgeous exhibit. Dog CC and on referee’s decision BOS.
2. Hodge’s Sh.Ch. Naiken East Meets West JW. This was not an easy decision and I agonized over it with so little separating these two first class animals. Both could hold their own among the best company in the world. A noteworthy black. Res CC.
3. Logan’s Sh.Ch. Madgack Mulberry Minocqua.
Judge: Penny Carpanini